Ms. Sandra Gail Lipkowitz

Director of Development

Sterling Journeys

San Francisco, CA

United States


My passion for travel started in my childhood. We took family vacations, driving to interesting places every year. My first summer vacation as a teacher, I spent 9 weeks traveling around Europe on my own. That did it, I had the bug. I fantasized about becoming a travel photographer. Life went in different directions and I went from being a teacher to a real estate consultant, in the shopping center industry. I continued to travel. I have been to every continent except Australia and the Antarctic (on my list). In 2007, I started We Make Travel Easy, a home based travel agency. Since I have traveled extensively, I bring to my travel consulting, the viewpoint of the traveler. How do you want to be treated and what do you want to know? This is your vacation, your experience, not mine. It is that attitude, philosophy and level of service that has earned me very loyal clients (from all over the country) and amazing testimonials. I am a good listener and I get to know what you want. ?Then I get to work to plan the trip that meets your needs and wishes. After all, it's all about you.

Travel Specialization

Destination Specialization

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San Francisco Bay Area SBN

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