Stephanie Chastain, Owner


Infinite Ireland Travel Co.

North East, PA

United States


I believe that traveling is the best way to spend your one wild and precious life. I fell in love with travel when my husband and I journeyed to Ireland for the first time in 2006. We continued to return year after year and began experiencing a different Ireland–local Ireland beyond the big bus tours and popular tourism sites. We made friends with the locals–the art gallery owner in the little yellow house on main street, the charming B&B host with the cottage overlooking the crashing waves of the Atlantic ocean, and the local guide full of stories about growing up in small-town Ireland. We found a tiny piece of home in the small villages and rolling hills of the Irish countryside. I want you to get to experience local Ireland like that. At Infinite Ireland Travel Co., we meticulously craft meaningful Ireland itineraries. You are going to love traveling beyond the masses, meeting the Irish people, and listening to their stories. Perhaps you’ll even find a little piece of home in Ireland too. I’d love to support you in creating a trip of a lifetime to Ireland. Connect with me at [email protected] to plan your incredible, immersive trip to Ireland.

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