ASTA's Executive Committee and

Board of Directors

ASTA's Leadership

The policies of the Society are established by a National Board of Directors.

The Board of Directors has 16 members as follows: 9 Directors At-Large; 3 Directors selected by the Chapter Presidents' Council; the chair of the International Chapter Presidents' Council; 1 Small Business Network Member Director; 2 Directors selected by the ASTA Corporate Advisory Committee (CAC) and 1 Consortium Member. The Chief Executive Officer is a Director ex officio.

The Board of Directors has an Executive Committee, elected by all Board members from the 9 Directors At-large, consisting of the following corporate officers (also called National Officers): President & Chairman; Vice President/Secretary; Treasurer; and Chief Executive Officer as an ex officio, non-voting member.

In addition, the Board annually elects to the Executive Committee a CAC member from among the CAC-member Directors. The CAC-member of the Executive Committee has a vote in all Executive Committee actions.

Volunteer participation in the various committees, councils and boards support the Society's many programs, policies and research. Elections are held annually staggering the positions up for election. Officers are elected by the voting members and serve a maximum of two terms of two years each, or until such time as a successor is elected and qualifies. Refer to ASTA Bylaws for full term of office provisions.  


ASTA's Code of Ethics 

All ASTA members pledge to conduct their business activities in a manner that promotes the ideal of integrity in travel and agree to act in accordance with the applicable sections of the Principles of the ASTA Code of Ethics.



American Society of Travel Advisors

123 N Pitt St, Ste 400, Alexandria, VA 22314 U.S.A.

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