Harnessing the Enneagram in Storytelling- A Guide for Travel Advisors

by Erik Dominguez, Keynote Speaker, Educator, and Coach


Here’s why I used to be one of the last people on earth to use a travel advisor.  

My origin story is somewhat complex. I was born in Mexico, where I spent the first eight years of my life before my family, for better or worse, moved to the United States. Like many immigrant families, we didn’t have a lot of disposable income. All extra money my parents earned from their long hours at jobs they disliked went towards paying private school tuition for my brother and me. I was fortunate to have parents who prioritized education. 

Despite my gratitude for their sacrifice and the education I received, our financial constraints meant I didn’t really experience vacations. Trips weren’t a priority for us. As a young kid, I was always mindful of the cost I represented. I didn’t want to burden my parents with additional financial needs. While this could be seen as maturity or altruism, it was far from it. 

For many years, I didn't realize that a deep-seated need to be liked and appreciated was driving me. This need was the core motivation or the SPINE of my daily life. I refrained from asking for vacations not because I lacked the desire but because I wanted to make my parents feel appreciated for all they were doing. Essentially, I wanted to please them. In other words, my Enneagram Type 2 traits were evident even when I was a child. 


Why Enneagram Matters In Travel Advising 

In the world of travel advising, understanding and connecting with a diverse clientele is paramount. One powerful tool that has emerged to deepen this connection is the Enneagram—a dynamic personality typing system that offers insights into human behavior and motivations. By integrating the Enneagram into their storytelling, travel advisors can craft narratives that resonate on a personal level, fostering a deeper connection with their audience and enhancing their ability to tailor travel experiences. 


The Enneagram: A Brief Overview 

The Enneagram is a model of the human psyche comprising nine interconnected personality types. Each type has distinct motivations, fears, and desires, providing a rich framework for understanding human behavior. For travel advisors, leveraging the Enneagram means creating stories and travel experiences that appeal to the core desires and motivations of each personality type, ensuring a more personalized and impactful interaction. 


Understanding Your Audience Through the Enneagram 

The first step in utilizing the Enneagram in storytelling is to understand the characteristics of each Enneagram type. Here’s a brief overview:  

1. The Reformer: Principled, purposeful, and self-controlled, seeking improvement. 

2. The Helper: Caring, generous, and people-pleasing, seeking love. 

3. The Achiever: Success-oriented, driven, and adaptable, seeking validation. 

4. The Individualist: Creative, sensitive, and moody, seeking identity. 

5. The Investigator: Innovative, secretive, and intense, seeking knowledge. 

6. The Loyalist: Committed, security-oriented, and anxious, seeking stability. 

7. The Enthusiast: Fun-loving, spontaneous, and scattered, seeking excitement. 

8. The Challenger: Powerful, dominating, and confident, seeking control. 

9. The Peacemaker: Easygoing, self-effacing, and agreeable, seeking peace. 


How Our Core Motivations Are In Every Story 

This brings us to the sixth 'S' in the 7S Storytelling Model ©: The Spine. 

The spine represents the core motivation driving a character's actions and desires. Andrew Stanton, one of the original writers for Pixar, highlights the importance of this concept in his renowned TED talk on storytelling, titled "The Clues To A Great Story." He explains that the spine is the fundamental motivation of a character; when this need is fulfilled, everything falls into place. However, if this need remains unmet, as he puts it, “all bets are off!” 

Understanding the spine of your clients' narratives is crucial for travel advisors. It involves identifying what's at stake for the travelers: what they risk losing if their desires are not fulfilled and, on the flip side, what they stand to gain when those desires are achieved. This deep understanding not only enriches the narrative but also ensures that the travel experiences designed are deeply resonant and satisfying, addressing the core of what your clients seek from their journey. This careful attention to the spine of a traveler's story enhances the travel advising process, transforming it from simple trip planning to the creation of deeply personal and meaningful adventures. 


Incorporating the Enneagram into Your Storytelling 

With an understanding of the Enneagram, travel advisors can tailor their narratives to align with the motivations and desires of each type. Here’s how you can apply the Enneagram to storytelling:  

- For Reformers: Focus on destinations and experiences that offer a sense of improvement and personal growth, highlighting sustainable and ethical travel options. 

- For Helpers: Craft stories that emphasize emotional connections, community involvement, and opportunities to care for others or nature during their travels. 

- For Achievers: Showcase luxury destinations, exclusive experiences, and opportunities for professional networking, emphasizing how travel can enhance one’s status and success. 

- For Individualists: Highlight unique, off-the-beaten-path destinations and culturally rich experiences that allow for self-expression and exploration of identity. 

- For Investigators: Delve into the mysteries and secrets of each destination, focusing on intellectual stimulation and opportunities for deep exploration. 

- For Loyalists: Emphasize safety, reliability, and family-friendly activities, offering a sense of security and stability in travel plans. 

- For Enthusiasts: Focus on adventurous, high-energy activities and destinations that promise excitement and spontaneity. 

- For Challengers: Present challenging adventures and destinations that allow for leadership and empowerment, focusing on experiences that test limits and foster independence. 

- For Peacemakers: Offer narratives centered around relaxation, nature, and peaceful retreats, highlighting destinations that promise tranquility and harmony. 

From this point, the potential is limitless. You have the ability to craft stories that resonate with a specific personality type—perhaps one that aligns with your own. Alternatively, you could develop rotating content that caters to all nine types. Regardless of your approach, you'll be expanding your reach by narrating stories that connect with individuals on a deeply personal level, tapping into their core motivations. 

Remember the six-word story? How about these?  

1. Perfect itinerary crafted; stress-free, flawless journey. 

2. Tailored travel, caring for your needs. 

3. Exclusive, successful trips for ambitious souls. 

4. Unique adventures, tailored to your story. 

5. Expertly curated knowledge, enlightening your travel. 

6.  Safe, secure trips; trusted advisor guaranteed. 

7. Endless excitement, and adventures curated just for you. 

8. Bold journeys, overcoming challenges together. 

9. Harmonious travels, creating peace and memories. 

About five years ago, I met Whitney, the love of my life. One of her closest friends, as it turns out, is a travel advisor. So, when she proposed an adventurous trip abroad, she mentioned we'd be planning it with the help of her travel advisor friend. Initially, I was secretly resentful. Why spend extra money on something I believed I could simply find on Google? 

However, I couldn't have been more mistaken. 

Initially, my reluctance stemmed from a longstanding belief that to be loved and appreciated, I should only rely on the basics, avoiding any extravagances. This was rooted in my earlier financial fears. Yet, with a partner who strongly believed in the value of a travel advisor, I conceded despite my hesitations. My underlying desire was for the trip to be enjoyable and relaxing for Whitney. 

Our trip to Costa Rica was unlike anything I'd experienced before. For so long, I had endeavored to please others, taking charge and meticulously planning to ensure everyone's happiness. Utilizing a travel advisor transformed that dynamic, allowing me to experience a sense of ease and flow. Freed from the pressure of orchestrating every detail, I found the space to truly relish our adventures with Whitney. 

 In essence, the travel advisor served me in the way I aspire to serve others. Her thorough planning permitted me to fully enjoy our journey. This underscores the ultimate and final 'S' in the 7S Storytelling Model © : Sincerity. 

Storytelling must be approached with sincerity, regardless of how or where the stories are shared. It's not merely a tool for sales or self-promotion but a means to serve others. Carmine Gallo, in his book "Talk Like TED," captures this sentiment perfectly: 

"If your sole aim is to make a sale or boost your status, you risk disconnecting from your audience, adding undue pressure on yourself. Conversely, if your objective is more generous — providing your audience with information that enriches their lives — you'll forge a deeper connection and feel more at ease in your role." 


Conclusion: Transformative Journeys Through Insightful Storytelling and Enneagram Insights 

The transition from skepticism to full-hearted endorsement of travel advisors illustrates the profound impact of storytelling, enriched by an understanding of the Enneagram and our core motivations. This journey highlights the true purpose of travel advising — not just arranging trips, but creating impactful narratives that speak to the deepest aspects of our personalities. By integrating Enneagram insights into storytelling, advisors can tailor experiences that align with each client's core motivations, transforming the travel experience profoundly. This nuanced approach doesn't merely alter our travel habits; it reshapes our perception of the world and our place within it, inviting us on a journey to discover what genuinely inspires us. 

 And yes, I will now always use a travel advisor.  

American Society of Travel Advisors

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