Elections and Volunteering

ASTA's Board of Directors and its non-Board member Regional Directors play an important role in helping to lead, guide, and advise your association.

2024 Board of Directors Elections

Meet The Candidates

At-Large Director Elections

Two (2) At-Large Directors to the ASTA Board of Directors will be elected. The two (2) candidates receiving the highest number of votes will fill the seats being vacated by those Directors whose term of office is expiring and will serve on the Board for two (2) years. 

See the 2024 Election calendar for important dates and deadlines.

Who is qualified to be an At-Large Director candidate? 

Qualified candidates must be:

  1. A member in good standing with ASTA; and
  2. Be an individual member with voting privileges (other than an Independent Contractor member).

If an Independent Contractor member would like to be an At-Large Director candidate, the member must first upgrade to the US Travel Agency Membership category and pay the appropriate membership dues.

Contact [email protected] to verify if you meet the criteria above. If you are eligible and interested in declaring as a candidate, please review the election timeline for the key dates and deadlines.

How long is the term of office? 

Each At-Large Director is elected to a two-year term. Official duties begin at the conclusion of the ASTA Travel Advisor Conference. Please plan to attend.

How many terms can an At-Large Director serve? 

At-Large Directors may serve only two terms, whether or not consecutive, in the same office, exclusive of any partial term served before completing a full term, provided that, after the expiration of three (3) years from the end of the second term served, an eligible member may run for election or seek appointment, as the case may be, to two additional terms.

What are the responsibilities of an At-Large Director?

  • Directors collectively have the final responsibility for the oversight and management of the Association
  • Each At-Large Director is accountable to the membership
  • As a member of the governing body of the association, he/she will assist in:

1. formulating and adopting association policies in accordance with the association's purposes and strategic plans as mandated by the membership

2. approving the budget and monitoring the disbursement of the association funds

3. ensuring that the organization is managed by a competent Chief Staff Executive

4. managing and controlling the property, business, and affairs of the association

  • Has a “fiduciary duty” to ASTA and its members, which means he/she must exercise the same care in making decisions for ASTA as he/she would in making his/her own business decisions.  In addition, he/she must maintain loyalty to ASTA by putting ASTA’s interest above all others, including his/her own
  • Ensures that the Bylaws are upheld and followed by the association
  • Attends all Board of Directors meetings, reading and reviewing all reports prior to the meeting. Stays informed as to ASTA’s circumstances and activities
  • Reviews bylaws, financial statements, and other significant association documents
  • Avoids conflict of interest and whenever there is a potential conflict of interest, discloses the possible conflict and removes him/herself from voting on that particular issue
  • Maintains confidentiality of association documents and discussions when required
  • Makes recommendations to the ASTA President and Chief Executive Officer for national committee appointments
  • Ensures that association activities comply with federal, state, and local laws
  • Accepts assignments by President and Chief Executive Officer, except when time constraints prevent such acceptance;


Questions should be addressed to [email protected].

Regional Directors

ASTA has six (6) Regional Directors, each of whom presides over a specified region of the ASTA Chapter network in the U.S. These volunteer Regional Directors are ASTA ambassadors and act as mentors for the ASTA Chapter Presidents, providing guidance on running a successful chapter program to serve the membership and advance ASTA's mission to promote and defend the entire travel agency community.

Each of the six (6) positions is filled by the vote of the Chapter Presidents in the geographic region in which the candidate resides and seeks to represent. To maintain continuity of leadership the six (6) positions will serve staggered terms of office so that four (4) Regional Directors are elected in odd-numbered years and two (2) Regional Directors are elected in even-numbered years.

More information about the position and the eligibility requirements are set forth below. A member seeking to become a Regional Director candidate should send a letter of intent to ASTA Headquarters [email protected].

For 2024, the Northeast Regional Director seat and the Southeast Regional Director seat are open for self-nominations. See the election calendar for exact dates and additional information.

What are the responsibilities of a Regional Director?

Under the ASTA Bylaws, each Regional Director is responsible to do the following within their assigned geographic region:

  • Act as the primary communication liaison between ASTA staff and the Chapter Presidents to, among other things, discuss membership and revenue growth opportunities;
  • Hold quarterly conference calls/meetings with Chapter Presidents;
  • Act as a mentor, facilitator, and guide to the Chapter Presidents;
  • Identify potential new supplier partners for the chapters;
  • Serve on the Chapter Presidents’ Council Executive Board; and 
  • Meet regularly with ASTA Staff and other Regional Directors

Who is qualified to be a candidate?

To be eligible for a Regional Director position, candidates must be an active member of ASTA in good standing and either a current Chapter President in the region which they seek to represent or a past Chapter President. In the case of a past president, they need not have served as president in the same geographic area which they now seek to represent.

How long is the term of office?

Two (2) years. Each Regional Director is also a member of the Chapter Presidents’ Council for the duration of their term of office as a Regional Director.

Which Regional Directors serve on the National Board of Directors?

A total of three (3) Regional Directors serve on the Board of Directors.  In any given year, either one (1) or two (2) of the Board seats will be up for election. The occupant(s) of the Board seat(s) will be determined by a run-off election among the successful candidates for Regional Director in that year. Eligible Chapter Presidents will cast a vote in both the election to determine the Regional Directors as well as the run-off to determine who will serve on the ASTA National Board of Directors.

How many terms may a Regional Director serve? 

Regional Directors may serve a maximum of two terms—consecutive or not—in the same office, exclusive of any partial term served before completing a full term.  After the expiration of three (3) years from the end of the second term served, the member may run for election to two (2) additional terms.

Questions about the Regional Director position should be directed to [email protected]

    Questions should be addressed to [email protected].


    American Society of Travel Advisors

    123 N Pitt St, Ste 400, Alexandria, VA 22314 U.S.A.

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